Thursday, February 12, 2009

Doggy bite

You probably can't see them very well in the picture, but there are little bruises on Kate's forhead and a mark by her eye... those marks are where a doggy bit her...

So background....Kate LOVES animals, especially dogs so she thinks they all love her.... later that day when it happened she came to me re-acting it out but not in a scared sad voice, but a cheerful voice...saying"Ruff Ruff Ruff, silly doggy" nice I thought she would have learned after that not to just go snuggle with every dog. Anyway that's new.


shelby said...

So Sad! Is she scared now? I love the picture on the top of your blog!

The Wells Family said...

Mandy took it

Colleen, Mike, Abbie and Aimee said...

Poor thing! Glad she isn't upset about it...How are you feeling?