Wednesday, November 11, 2009

still here

I really do exist...the situation is as follows... we have been computer-less for 2 months now and I have so many pictures I want to share and things I want to say but it's tough without a computer handy when the kids are quietly contained and I can escape for a second so hopefully soon I can post more...


Mandy said...

Can't wait much longer Rach! Hope you guys figure out your computer issues soon!
(Luckily we get to talk 3 or 4 times a day on the phone!)

Kathryn said...

Geeeezzzz! You know I regularly check your blog? Like, every other day...and you would think the lack of updates would deter me, wouldn't you? Wrong. I just keep checking. So this is good for now...but!!!!! Don't make me get blogangry. (I think of you several times a day, you know that? Its because I clip off those thingies on General Mills stuff that give Ryan's class money or something. I have a whole baggie waiting for Christmas when I can give them to you.)