Thursday, September 18, 2008

Keep eating....

It runs in the family, and I'm lucky Ryan figured this out early on....but when the tantrums, or crying sessions begin....Ryan always asks have I eaten...and most of the time a little food turns the mountain into a molehill....or even an anthill...So with Kate if you ever see her having a complete meltdown and you see me shoveling food into her mouth, just know I'm not trying to shut her up but actually fixing the problem, once that food settles she becomes the cute monkey that i know and love, not the monster...:)


KTLADY said...

The same thing runs in my family. Unfortunately Nathan & I both share that problem!

Debbie said...

That's totally how I am. It makes me so mad when Brian asks if I've eaten when I'm grouchy!

Cathy said...

That is so funny! I wish that worked with Max. That would mean that he would actually eat!