Sunday, February 15, 2009


So it's been a week now since this began but last Sunday while we were in sacrament meeting Kate started wander past "the boundries we set for her away from our bench and so i gave her the signal to come back which is "sssstt sssstt" normally that works and she comes back but that day and since then whenever I want her to do something or not do something for that matter her response is this with her finger over her mouth....."shhhhhhh be quiet" ahh we love 2 year olds.


Ashley said...

I loved her little SHHH the other day. That picture of her at the top of your blog is precious. Don't tell anyone else but one of our cuz's that lives in Granny's basement says that his favorite little girls ever are Kate and Ivy Star. We rock!

The Wells Family said...

I hope penelope is added to the list pretty soon if not already

The Wells Family said...

oh and my photographer sister mandy took that adorable photo....I couldn't do that myself